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The Healing Power of Energy, Tai Chi, and Qigong with Zuzana

The Healing Power of Energy, Tai Chi, and Qigong with Zuzana

In a fast-paced world where the demands of daily life can leave us feeling drained and disconnected, finding a path to rekindle our inner balance and vitality is a precious gift. Enter Zuzana, an extraordinary individual who not only bears the title of an Energy Healer but also boasts a deep-rooted passion for Tai Chi and Qigong. Zuzana’s journey is a testament to the remarkable power of energy healing, as well as the ancient practices of Tai Chi and Qigong, in achieving holistic wellness and spiritual harmony. Zuzana’s unique combination of skills and expertise offers a bridge to a realm where the physical and the spiritual meet. Her work as an Energy Healer is a testament to her profound understanding of the body’s energy systems and how they impact our overall well-being. At the same time, her dedication to Tai Chi and Qigong speaks to her commitment to fostering balance, inner strength, and mindfulness through ancient, time-tested practices. Join Mystic Mag as we venture into the realm of Zuzana, an Energy Healer, Tai Chi & Qigong Practitioner, and experience firsthand the transformative power of harmonizing body and spirit in the pursuit of a more balanced, vibrant, and fulfilling life.

How did you become interested in Tai Chi, Qigong, and Energy Healing, and what inspired you to start teaching and offering these services to others? What is the background story about your organization name?

My business is named Hummingbird Qigong, consisting of two words. The inspiration behind this name is twofold. Hummingbirds hold a special place in my heart as they are my spirit animals. I’ve always had a fondness for these tiny creatures, and whenever I catch sight of a hummingbird, it fills me with immense joy. I’ve noticed that many others also experience a sense of happiness when they encounter these beautiful birds. This joy and connection led me to choose “Hummingbird” as part of the business name. And Qigong is the practice I teach and also the energy healing modality I use.

Moreover, there’s a personal story that deepens the meaning behind the name. During a challenging time when my father was undergoing cancer treatment, I felt a strong urge to visit him, even though my family advised me to wait until his treatment was complete. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I needed to see him sooner. Then, one day in the middle of October, a time when hummingbirds are typically gone, a hummingbird ventured into my garage. To me, it was a sign, a message that I needed to be with my father. I promptly purchased a ticket and visited him.

This was the catalyst for my journey into energy healing. I wanted to offer something different to my father, who was enduring the hardships of traditional chemotherapy. Just before leaving for Europe, I attended an energy healing course. Over a weekend, I learned the basics of sensing and working with energy. This was the beginning of my venture into energy work.

As for Tai Chi and Qigong, my interest in these practices began when I encountered  an older Chinese lady demonstrating movements at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. The elegance of the movements and the profound sense of well-being I felt while participating inspired me. I told myself that I would explore Tai Chi at some point in my life. A few months later, I started learning both Tai Chi and Qigong, and two years after that, I began teaching Qigong and  Tai Chi. While becoming a Tai Chi master is a rare and challenging journey, I found immense fulfillment in sharing these practices with others.

Can you explain the benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong for beginners, and how these practices can positively impact physical and mental well-being?

Currently, the field of Qigong and its impact on health is gaining recognition, although it remains somewhat under the radar within medical institutions. Harvard Medical School, in particular, has been actively involved in researching Qigong and its associated health benefits. While the precise mechanisms at play might not be fully understood, the practice has shown its effectiveness in several areas.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that Qigong can bring about hormonal balance, enhance the immune system, and reduce inflammation within the body. Some research has suggested that the practice can lower levels of cytokines, which play a crucial role in the immune response to conditions such as COVID or other viruses. In essence, Qigong appears to modulate the immune system, presenting a powerful and valuable approach to health and wellness.

Just a few years ago, I faced severe mobility issues and persistent discomfort. Joint problems, back pain, and everyday aches had become a regular part of my life. However, since I began practicing  Tai Chi and Qigong, I’ve experienced a remarkable transformation. Despite being diagnosed with conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic SI joint dysfunction, and herniated discs, I now live without any pain or discomfort in my body.

Qigong is emerging as a therapeutic exercise that offers relief to individuals dealing with various chronic issues, including pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, anxiety, and stress. Its popularity in the United States is steadily increasing, and it’s my hope that Qigong will soon become a mainstream and widely recognized approach to health and wellness.

You seem to employ various techniques that aid people in their healing process. How do you adapt your teaching and healing approach to cater to the unique needs of each individual?

Allow me to explain why I teach Qigong and Thai Chi. Qigong, which translates to “energy cultivation” or “energy work,” is a practice deeply rooted in Chinese tradition. Chinese philosophy believes that when the body’s energy flows smoothly, good health follows. I teach both Qigong and Tai Chi, but my focus primarily lies with Qigong, and there’s a good reason for that.

In fact, I am currently pursuing a Master of Medical Qigong, to add to my credentials as a Energy Healer. Medical Qigong is an energy healing modality grounded in traditional Chinese medicine. It is comparable in effect to acupuncture, with the distinction that you work with your mind’s intention and your hands. Given my role as a Energy Healer it is essential for me to practice Qigong daily to harness and cultivate energy. This is different from modalities like Reiki, which channel energy. In medical Qigong, the emphasis is on cultivating your energy to effectively treat patients.

Medical Qigong is not only based on traditional Chinese medicine, but it is also a science-based approach. It was once widely established in traditional Chinese hospitals in China, where extensive research was conducted to understand its mechanisms and effects. Unfortunately, in the 1990s, all these traditional Chinese hospitals were closed, and their records were destroyed due to some issues. Nonetheless, the extensive research conducted during those years provides a strong foundation for the practice.

Furthermore, I have incorporated acupressure into my teachings. My personal experience with pain led me to discover the remarkable benefits of acupuncture. However, I sought an alternative that allowed me to save money and administer the same treatment. Acupressure utilizes the same meridian system and acupuncture points, only instead of needles, you use your fingers to apply pressure. It’s a self-help method that I practice daily, and I find it truly fascinating.

In summary, I focus on teaching Qigong because it’s deeply rooted in Chinese tradition, offers a science-based approach to healing, and can be seamlessly combined with acupressure for self-care and healing. I also teach Qigong to practice every day to cultivate my own energy and to become better energy healer.

What type of services do you offer?

I offer a range of healing modalities, including Medical Qigong Therapy  and Acupressure, which I often combine with other energy work techniques because acupressure is highly effective. Additionally, I practice Reiki, though not as frequently as medical Qigong therapy, as I find the latter more potent.

Moreover, I have experience with bioenergy healing, a method originating from Slovenia. I first encountered this approach when I was in pain and couldn’t raise my arm. My yoga teacher used bioenergy healing on me, and after just two sessions, I was relieved of pain that had been bothering me for nearly two years. This experience left a profound impression on me. I initially considered traveling to Europe to learn more about it since it was founded there. However, I found information about bioenergy healing in a library and selected two books, one of which was authored by Csongor Daniel (a European practitioner). He extensively elaborated on his methods, and it resonated with me. His book explained these techniques, which are particularly effective for pain management. I learned and incorporated these methods into my practice.

In my healing sessions, I occasionally employ a combination of methods, using Medical Qigong Therapy, Acupressure , Reiki, and bioenergy healing, all of which cater to different aspects of well-being. While I utilize these diverse techniques, my focus remains on providing the most effective healing for my clients.

Many people may be unfamiliar with these practices. How do you introduce and engage beginners in Tai Chi and Qigong to ensure they feel comfortable and motivated to continue?

I’m not sure if you distinguish between classes and energy healing sessions. I actively teach classes, as I am an instructor, and these classes have been gaining popularity, thanks to recent studies. It’s exciting to see doctors now prescribing Tai Chi and Qigong  classes to their patients. I even received a text from a friend who recently saw a new doctor for a traumatic brain injury, and the doctor prescribed Tai Chi classes. This is how I’ve been gaining more students lately, although it’s still a gradual process. I hope to continue expanding.

When it comes to energy healing sessions, I don’t actively promote them. People typically find me through word of mouth, and most of my clients are my students. During my classes, we discuss energy, particularly during Qigong sessions, where we try to feel it. Many of my students have developed a sensitivity to energy and are open to it. This openness often leads them to seek out energy healing sessions when they encounter health issues.

In the United States, the popularity of energy healing is on the rise, and Western medicine is gradually becoming more open to Eastern practices. We now have Reiki practitioners and energy workers in hospitals. This month, I was hired to provide Reiki, I am very excited about it but I will try to add some Acupressure too. I believe that acupressure may be more potent for working with patients, especially those dealing with cancer.

A significant moment that solidified my commitment to this path occurred when my father was undergoing chemotherapy. I was flying back home, and my father was taken to the hospital while I was on the plane. I arrived, and the following day, he was in excruciating pain, screaming. I began doing energy work on him using the techniques I had learned. After cleansing his body for over two hours, he suddenly became calm and peaceful. He passed away that night. I felt like I had assisted him in transitioning more peacefully.

Since then, I’ve been dedicated to working with cancer patients. I teach classes at two Cancer Support Centers, where they offer various resources and classes for free to those affected by cancer. My goal is to expand into the field of medical Qigong therapy and eventually work within hospitals, making a difference in the lives of those facing challenging health conditions.

How do you see the future of holistic well-being, and how do you plan to evolve and expand your services to meet the changing needs of your clients and communities?

I’d like to discuss the impact on cancer patients because cancer rates are surging in the United States, affecting countless lives. Cancer is a devastating disease, and I have a vision that we can also use holistic methods and hope will become more prevalent. Some hospitals have already started implementing this approach. My idea is to combine Western and Eastern medicine for patients undergoing chemotherapy. This would involve using chemotherapy, when necessary, along with alternative treatments to support the individual during chemotherapy. Energy work would also be integrated into the treatment process.

The vision is for patients receiving chemotherapy to experience a holistic approach to their care. Chemotherapy can be incredibly anxiety-inducing, and quick energy work during these sessions could help patients feel more relaxed and at ease. It’s my hope that this combined approach will become a standard part of cancer care.

I’ve seen firsthand the calming effect that energy work can have on my clients. They leave my sessions feeling more at peace and centered. One particular experience stands out when I was working at another Cancer Support Center. I was asked to provide acupressure to people attending a significant event. One lady I worked with was quite frail and pale. I could sense her pain, and I spent just 10 minutes working on her, touching specific points on her neck, holding her, and cleansing her energy field. When she got up, her eyes were shining brightly, and she expressed how she couldn’t believe she felt so good. It was a remarkable moment, and it’s these transformations that drive my passion for this work.

Working with patients who are terminally ill is challenging, as they are facing the end of life. It’s a heavy responsibility, but it’s a calling I’m determined to answer. I recently secured a position that aligns with my goals, and I’m starting next week. This opportunity is taking me in the direction I’ve always wanted to go. My aim is to promote energy work, collaborate with hospitals, and engage with doctors who are increasingly embracing an integrated approach to care. Some doctors are leaving traditional hospital settings to establish integrated centers dedicated to caring for cancer patients, and I’ll continue advocating for this holistic approach to healing.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.