This week, Mystic Mag had the opportunity to interview Lisa Raine, Evidential medium. We talked about her beginnings and her sessions, and learned more about Evidential Medium Reading.
When did you first know that being an Evidential medium was your calling and how did it come about?
Being a medium, or a communicator with the Spirit World, is an ability passed down through blood lines. For me it was my mother and grandmother who had spiritual abilities. As a child, I became aware of this ability when my grandmother passed and then visited me in my room. It was knowing. I felt it more and more and later began to hone my skills. I became involved in psychic and medium circles. I also did medium readings for friends growing up. They found it amazing but also healing and the reading helped deal with grief at times. It was uplifting. As a younger medium, I did not yet realize my potential and over the years started to understand more and more that a medium reading is in fact a healing process. As an evidential medium I am also a psychic. Mediumship coexists with psychic ability. But I still didn’t know where this would lead me.
What services do you offer?
Evidential Medium Readings, Psychic Readings, Pet Communication which can be with our furry friends here or those that have crossed the rainbow bridge, Spiritual Healing, Group Readings
What exactly is Evidential Mediumship?
An Evidential Medium Reading bridges two worlds with me acting as a vessel through which the Spirit communicates with loved ones who have crossed over. Together with their Spirit, we validate that our loved ones are indeed on the other side and are still sending love and supporting us. I sit in the power, gain a link with Spirit World, set my intentions and start blending with spirit. I obtain particular evidence from that spirit so the person getting the reading will have evidence that this truly is their loved one. This is a beautiful and healing experience.
What can a person expect from your sessions?
Many things can result from an evidential reading. Closure, healing, a peaceful knowing, love, assurance, occasionally sadness still lingers, but it can be the beginning of relieving some grief. A psychic reading can result in personal growth, need for reorganization, exercise, awareness, and happiness.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with clients?
The most important things when I am with a client, or a sitter, is trust and rapport. This is where evidential mediumship is so helpful. Many times a sitter will be astounded as I produce evidence that only they would know. This is a way in which their loved one from the otherside helps build that bridge. I also make sure they know that this information is provided by spirit. As I blend with spirit more and more, the evidence becomes better. The more personal the reading is the more the trust is built.
What is the best part of your job?
I love what I do. Helping people who are grieving or hurting, whose pain is lifted from them, makes me feel good. Helping people is the best part of my job.