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Create a World of More Joy, Magic and Kindness - With Malieokalani Urrutia

Create a World of More Joy, Magic and Kindness - With Malieokalani Urrutia

Have you ever felt a deep yearning to connect with your feminine power, awaken your intuition, and live a life infused with magic? The Sacred Woman School offers a unique path for women seeking a supportive sisterhood and the tools to unlock their inner magic.

In this article, Mystic Mag interviewed Malieokalani Urrutia, founder of the Sacred Woman School who shared a powerful story about the transformative power of sisterhood.

Can you share a personal experience or story that highlights the power of sisterhood in awakening your connection to magic and remembrance within the Sacred Woman School’s community?

My most profound experience with the power of sisterhood happened during a retreat in the Appalachian Mountains in 2017. We were celebrating the International Day of Peace, and 22 women, many from out of town, gathered in a beautiful setting.

As we shared our stories and intentions in the opening circle, a sense of vulnerability and deep connection arose. Tears flowed freely, and a powerful energetic weave formed amongst the women. My role was to hold space for this unfolding, to allow the unknown to be present. There was no predetermined program; the retreat unfolded organically based on the needs and desires of the participants.

Even though most of the women were meeting for the first time, a deep warmth filled the space. We co-created the retreat together, guided by intuition and feminine wisdom. My six-year-old daughter even participated, witnessing the profound healing and connection unfolding.

The retreat was a transformative experience filled with joy, telepathic communication, synchronicity, and creative expression. We birthed a powerful new rite of passage called the Beloved Rite Vow, which is still used today to help women reconnect with their feminine wisdom and self-love.

The experience solidified for me the importance of sisterhood. When women are seen, heard, and supported by each other in a safe space, magic unfolds naturally. This retreat became the seed for the Sacred Woman School, a place where women can awaken their inner magic and wisdom.

How do you believe the process of reflecting and activating each other’s remembrance contributes to the overall empowerment and spiritual growth of the women within the Sacred Woman School?

Reflection and activation occur through deep witnessing. When we see each other in our entirety – vulnerability, darkness, and light – a powerful healing transformation takes place. This true soul-level seeing allows us to take responsibility for our lives and the reality we create. We recognize ourselves as the creators of our experiences and gain the power to choose differently.

In what ways does the Sacred Woman School foster an environment that encourages sisters to support and uplift one another in their individual journeys of self-discovery and magic activation?

The Sacred Woman School fosters a unique environment that transcends physical location. While in-person retreats and pilgrimages are powerful, the core connection happens on an energetic level. Our online programs establish a foundation of energetic connection, allowing women to cultivate trust in their intuition and inner guidance.

We offer various programs, including the New Earth Medicine Woman Master Program, which takes women on a deep inner journey to activate their wombs, awaken their 13 feminine powers, and connect with the lineage of the 13 Star Grandmothers. This program is not for everyone, but for those called to walk this path, it offers profound transformation.

The Priestess Ceremonialist Path is another program that equips women to create ceremonies, rituals, and rites of passage for themselves and their communities. Additionally, the Womb Wisdom Certification Program allows women to become womb keepers and practitioners, supporting others on their healing journeys.

In-person experiences like the Sacred Woman Retreats offer a powerful immersion into feminine wisdom. These retreats include ceremonies, rites of passage, women’s circles, nature connection, and living together in a flow of feminine energy.

Finally, the Mu, Sacred Woman Pilgrimage offers the deepest transformation. Here, women work with powerful energetic portals on Earth to awaken their soul memories.

Can you elaborate on any specific rituals, practices, or teachings within the Sacred Woman School that have been particularly impactful in deepening the connection among sisters and enhancing their collective magical remembrance?

Our womb teachings have been the most impactful. The womb is the portal of a woman’s magic, and by reconnecting with its wisdom, women reclaim their power and purpose. We challenge women to see themselves not as victims, but as creators. This empowers them to access their intuition and live from a place of authenticity and power.

From your perspective, what role does collective remembrance play in the manifestation of individual and collective magic within the Sacred Woman School community?

Collective remembrance is incredibly powerful. When women come together in sisterhood and remember their shared history and wisdom, an energy of oneness and pure love is ignited. This experience plants a seed that allows women to carry this frequency into their daily lives, transforming themselves and the world around them.

How has the concept of sisterhood and the activation of magical remembrance within the Sacred Woman School influenced your personal life outside of the community, and how do you see this impact extending to the broader community or society as a whole?

These experiences have not only inspired me but have sculpted my life to expand the creative intuitive frequency of living into families and every person who wishes to experience life in a more fluid and magical way where harmony and joy are the motivators of existing here on earth. This has inspired me to focus on creating a Multigenerational World School, to change the way we view education and the way we live. The old systems are collapsing so each can do our part in creating the new ways of living on earth.

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.