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The Transformative Power Of Hypnotherapy - With Scott Cargill

The Transformative Power Of Hypnotherapy - With Scott Cargill

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, burdened by past traumas or limiting beliefs? Hypnotherapy offers a powerful path to personal growth and healing. In this post, Mystic Mag delves into the practice of Scott Cragill, a hypnotherapist who believes in a holistic approach, catering to your unique needs.

Can you provide an overview of your practice? 

Yes, indeed, I can. In a day and age where you’re repeatedly told to specialize in a specific area to work and market that, I still believe that hypnotherapists are generalists or should be well-rounded. We can help our clients with many issues. What drew me to hypnotherapy, in general, was the fact that we can help someone overcome a problem or, for lack of a better word, an issue in moments, whereas traditional therapy often draws out the pain and anguish for people over weeks, months, and years, many times never truly addressing the root cause or problem. If I had to pick one area, it would be trauma. Working with several clients, it’s heart-wrenching to hear their stories, yet so very satisfying when they walk out of my office happy and adjusted, having broken the hold that past trauma had on them for so long. For example, a young lady who had been held down—you can imagine the rest. When she showed up in my office for smoking cessation, I found out from her mother that she could not be touched on the inner elbows, where she had been held down. After the session, I asked the client if she’d like to clear that up, which she did. Fifteen minutes later, I could touch her on the inner elbow without any issues. That’s the power of hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy and hypnosis present unique methods for healing and personal growth. How do you blend these approaches into your practice to cater to the diverse needs of your clients? 

Well, once more, I believe in embracing a holistic approach. What are the clients’ specific needs? Are they grappling with a fear of heights, navigating trauma, or simply aiming to break free from the grasp of cigarettes? I seamlessly intertwine the past, present, and future of each individual’s life and experiences. Every session commences with a meaningful conversation delving into the individual’s aspirations and past encounters.

As you attentively listen for those pivotal phrases that unveil insights into their thought processes and worldview, you gain a profound understanding. Armed with this knowledge, you artfully craft a narrative imbued with emotions, sounds, and colors, guiding them back to significant moments in their past. This journey enables them to tap into authentic memories and ultimately empowers them to confront the challenges that led them to seek assistance.

Hypnotherapy is often associated with accessing the subconscious mind. How do you facilitate hypnotherapy sessions to help clients address deep seated beliefs, habits, or traumas? 

Hypnotherapy is often linked with delving into the subconscious mind. How do you conduct hypnotherapy sessions to assist clients in addressing deeply rooted beliefs, habits, or traumas? Well, that’s the crux of it, isn’t it? That’s what sets hypnosis apart, right? It’s not about seizing control of someone’s thoughts or uncovering their secrets; it’s about guiding each individual and granting them what I like to refer to as super admin access to their own minds. They retain full control. They possess power. All we’re doing is unlocking that access. When we encounter trauma or form habits, we encode that information in the subconscious mind.

Picture this: the conscious mind acts as the intelligence, the logical thinking component—smart but not overwhelmingly potent. On the flip side, the subconscious mind reigns supreme in power and intellect, with a crucial mission: to safeguard you. Its sole purpose is to catalogue every thought, emotion, sensation, and experience; it serves as your personal database, dedicated to fulfilling your wishes and nurturing your aspirations in life. However, it lacks the ability to differentiate between conscious thoughts and dreams, fantasies, or imagination. Not the brightest, yet incredibly influential. Let’s ponder for a moment: how does a habit or fear manifest into reality for us? How does it take shape, evolve, and become ingrained?

Enter the subconscious mind. It simplifies the process by saying, “Alright, you’ve been engaging in this behavior—let’s use smoking as an example. You pull out a pack, grab a cigarette, light it up, enjoy it, and repeat. I’ve got this covered for you. I’ll relieve your conscious mind of this burden. You won’t have to deliberate over it. I’ll handle it. I’ll take care of you.” It proceeds to construct a program tailored to your needs, executing it regularly because it recognizes your desire for it. Another instance: driving. You get behind the wheel, follow a set route, and navigate effortlessly.

The subconscious steps in to manage the intricate tasks, ensuring a smooth journey. This phenomenon, known as Highway Hypnosis, demonstrates the subconscious’s adept ability to guide us through routine activities. If the conscious mind desires to quit smoking, acknowledging the adverse effects and seeking liberation from addiction, what’s the solution? We need to delve in, akin to accessing a computer system, granting the client Super-Admin access to their subconscious.

This enables them to engage in a dialogue within, reaching an agreement that paves the way towards transformation. By candidly conversing with the subconscious, the powerhouse of the mind, under the insightful guidance of the conscious mind, transformative discussions can unfold effortlessly. This effective communication is most achievable during a state we commonly refer to as hypnosis.

Hypnosis entails inducing a trance-like state for therapeutic purposes. How do you lead clients into this state, and what outcomes have you observed in terms of relaxation, insight, or behavioral change? 

Now, we’re delving into the profound essence of it all. Typically, when individuals approach you with concerns, whether phrased as issues or problems, they often lack an understanding of the roots of their fears or habits. While they may believe they comprehend their journey to that point, it’s crucial that the hypnotist—particularly the hypnotherapist—actively listens and poses probing questions during these discussions. By the end of this process, insights emerge, generally speaking. During the hypnotic state, through Gestalt dialogue or emotional bridges, the subconscious unveils the precise origins, timing, and nature of the underlying issues.

This revelation empowers you to guide individuals back in time to pivotal moments. For instance, envision a scenario where a four-year-old climbs a tree, only to realize the challenge of descending—a situation triggering the subconscious to create a protective mechanism, such as the fear of heights. Entering a trance-like state, you might say, “Take a moment to feel that fear. Picture yourself atop a 400-story tower, buffeted by winds, surrounded by darkness, and gazing down at tiny figures below.

Immerse yourself in that sensation. Amplify it. Now, regress to the initial instance when this feeling arose.” By retracing these steps, you unearth the sensitizing event, allowing you to release the fears or painful experiences by guiding clients to detach from the emotional bridge constructed during the session. Shifting focus to the present, if an individual has harbored a lifelong fear of heights, you facilitate a dialogue between their current self and their younger, fearful self to foster healing and resolution.

Transitioning to the induction process, how do you guide individuals into trance? It’s akin to being in a trance at this very moment. Throughout our daily lives, we oscillate between various states of trance—whether conscious or subconscious, they’re intertwined. As the hypnotist, your role involves directing individuals to channel their focus into a specific trance state. This can be achieved through various methods, including inducing relaxation to lull the conscious mind into a state of receptivity or employing techniques like overloading the mind with tasks, causing the conscious mind to surrender control.

Another approach involves instant inductions, capitalizing on physical responses to trigger rapid transitions into a trance state. Have you ever experienced a moment of tripping where your subconscious swiftly intervened to prevent a fall? This instinctual reaction showcases the subconscious’s ability to take charge swiftly, asserting its dominance in critical situations. Harnessing these mechanisms, such as inserting a command like “sleep” during a split-second decision, can be particularly effective for highly analytical individuals, bypassing their natural defenses and fostering deep receptivity.

Can you share examples or stories from your practice where clients have experienced significant breakthroughs or transformations through hypnotherapy? 

Absolutely, these success stories are truly remarkable, heartwarming, and deeply touching. Take, for instance, the young lady I mentioned earlier who sought help for smoking cessation but revealed a history of trauma from being raped. The gratification of aiding her in moving beyond that traumatic event and breaking free from its chains is immeasurable.

Let me tell you about a young man who called me on a Sunday morning at 8:00 am, stating simply, “I’m depressed.” Inviting him over to my home—mind you, as a hypnotist, I don’t diagnose or prescribe treatment—he exhibited signs of autism, avoiding eye contact except when directly answering questions. Through direct suggestions and opportunities to reconnect with his past self during the session, it became evident that his struggle stemmed from a lack of confidence. As he emerged from trance, he expressed newfound self-assurance and shared insightful thoughts with clarity. What’s remarkable is that this young man, who had a stutter, spoke fluently and confidently after our session, a true testament to the transformative power of hypnotherapy.

Now, back to question 5: Can you share examples or stories from your practice where clients have experienced significant breakthroughs or transformations through therapy or hypnosis? Indeed, a vast majority of my clients have achieved substantial breakthroughs. One memorable case involved a licensed clinical therapist who, despite previous therapy attempts, found resolution in just a couple of sessions with me. We uncovered a series of events during her formative years, leading to a breakthrough triggered by a seemingly mundane traffic ticket. Witnessing her break free from the grip of her past struggles was truly rewarding.

Another impactful story involves a young man who meticulously planned every bathroom stop due to childhood trauma stemming from abandonment by his father at age 5. Through hypnosis, we identified the root cause of his anxiety, allowing him to overcome this limiting behavior. Additionally, working with individuals experiencing inner conflicts and helping them integrate their various voices back into harmony is both fascinating and immensely fulfilling.

As a practitioner of hypnotherapy and hypnosis, how do you ensure a safe and supportive environment for your clients during their sessions? And what roles do clients play in their healing journey? 

That’s a fantastic question, one that often doesn’t receive the attention it merits in training. This aspect evolves over time through your interactions with clients. It’s crucial to emphasize that hypnosis is unequivocally not about mind control—it’s always the client who holds the reins. Consequently, their safety is never a point of concern. However, I’d like to elaborate on this for those listening.

Initially, my induction statements focused on ensuring clients maintained a stable and comfortable posture throughout the session. Over time, my approach has evolved to convey a sense of empowerment and safety more explicitly. Now, I guide clients with affirmations such as, “You will never come to harm, and you’re free to adjust your position as needed. Any external distractions will gently guide you back to the present by raising your right hand, signaling your readiness to return. Upon counting from 1 to 5, you’ll awaken fully refreshed and aware.” This collaborative approach reinforces the client’s authority over their well-being, fostering a sense of self-care and empowerment.

In practice, I’ve encountered situations where clients felt overwhelmed or trapped. By incorporating an escape clause—such as the ability to count from 1 to 5 or raise their hand to signal a return to wakefulness—I empower clients to regain control and ensure their comfort and safety. Ultimately, by entrusting clients with the tools to guide themselves back to full awareness, we reinforce their autonomy and responsibility within the therapeutic process.


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.