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Transforming Lives with Energy: Suzie DeVoe on the Healing Power of Pranic Healing

Transforming Lives with Energy: Suzie DeVoe on the Healing Power of Pranic Healing

In a captivating interview with Suzie DeVoe, featured on MysticMag, the spotlight is cast on the profound capabilities of Pranic Healing, illustrating its vast potential in addressing a multitude of issues, from physical health to deep-seated emotional and mental well-being.

DeVoe, a specialist in the realm of mental and emotional transformation, shares her insights on how Pranic Healing serves as a pivotal tool in facilitating significant shifts for individuals grappling with an array of challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression, by targeting the energetic essence of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

Through a meticulous process of cleansing and energizing the energy system, detailed in her dialogue with MysticMag, DeVoe guides her clients towards not just alleviating symptoms but also cultivating a more vibrant, positive outlook on life.

This introductory glimpse into the world of Pranic Healing, as explored in the interview with Suzie DeVoe, offers a promising pathway to healing and transformation, rooted in the profound principles of energy and spirituality.

What types of issues can Pranic Healing address, and how does it promote mental and emotional transformation?

Pranic Healing can address an array of issues. Pranic Healing can be applied to increase the natural rate of healing of the physical body, mind, and emotions.

It can be used to shift and heal both acute and chronic physical issues. Pranic Healing is able to accelerate the natural mental and emotional healing process that we are always going through as souls on the path of evolution and growth. It can also be used to help increase someone’s level of success and finances, heal relationships, and energetically clear spaces and homes.

I specialize in mental and emotional healing and transformation. I use Pranic Healing to help my clients shift and reduce issues such as stress, anxiety, grief, trauma, addiction, obsessive thinking, depression, low self-esteem, phobias, and feeling stuck. All thoughts, beliefs, and emotions exist as energy within the chakras, aura, meridians, and energy system.

Pranic Healing is a system of cleansing and energizing. In a session, layers of negative energies, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are cleared out layer by layer from the chakras and energy system. After clearing, I energize each major chakra with fresh, high vibrational life force energy. I’m taught to imbue the energy with the frequency of whatever the client wants to embody instead– whether that’s love, peace, confidence, forgiveness, joy or clarity.

With each session, deeper layers of your negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are removed and released so you can feel lighter, brighter, and more positive. As more energetic blockages are removed, more life force energy can flow through you and more of your soul energy can shine through you. You naturally feel more bright, light, clear, strong, confident in yourself, and positive.

I’ve also seen with myself and clients that not only is there a shift in mood and demeanor, but soul lessons come more quickly, easily, and smoothly. Instead of feeling stuck repeating the same mistake in toxic cycles and not learning from situations, the lesson is able to come into the conscious mind more easily.

With Pranic Healing, people are able to integrate the lessons and transform the way they show up for themselves, others, and the world faster than they would on their own.

How does an individual session of Pranic Healing work, and what immediate benefits can one expect?

I channel Pranic Healing to my clients through Zoom. When we meet on Zoom for the first time, the first part of the session is dedicated to connecting. I like to hold a safe space for my clients. I ask them how they’re doing, what’s been coming up for them, and what they want healing for in this session. As they talk about their mental and emotional challenges, those negative energies tend to come to the surface of their energy system from deeper into the chakras. This makes it easier for me to clear and remove them using energy with Pranic Healing.

I also ask them, “How do you want to be feeling? What feelings and thoughts do you want to be experiencing?” These are so important and often overlooked. We both need to know how they want to feel at the end of the session and focus our energy on the end result instead of the problem.

To begin the healing part of the session, we say an opening prayer and invocation. This connects us to higher divine energy and higher spiritual beings who provide the healing energy that I channel in the session to the client. It also makes the healing more safe and protected.

During the session, we remain connected on Zoom. I play a mantra or healing frequencies for the client to relax, nap, or meditate to. During the session, I clear the specific negative thoughts, beliefs, energies, emotions, and tendencies from each of their major chakras and aura. I use my hands and also crystal tools. For example, if they are struggling with stress, I will focus on clearing out the stress energies and energize my clients with inner peace and tranquility. I also cut negative energy cords to people, places, and ideas that are draining my client’s energy.

In the last few minutes of the session, I ask the client how they are feeling and check in with them. If they are feeling great, then I ask them to visualize, affirm and feel how they want to be feeling. This energizes the new positive thoughts and emotions in their chakras and energy system so that when the session is over, these are their dominant feelings and thought tendencies. It strengthens their new way of being.

In the end, I finish with Divine Healing. In Pranic Healing, we just channel Divine Healing energy from God and the Higher Spiritual Beings into the client’s crown chakra or back heart chakra. I also make sure to create energy shields on my client’s aura and chakras.

We finish by saying a closing prayer of thanks together. This is to help the client receive and assimilate the energy and also give gratitude to God and the higher spiritual beings that showed up and helped heal the client not only mentally and emotionally, but also physically and spiritually since all are connected.

To end the session, I ask the client how they are doing and their experiences in the session. Again, I try to create a safe space for them to be seen and heard. This in itself is healing for many people. Oftentimes during the sessions, I will receive intuitive messages or information to help them heal and navigate their current life challenges. I also communicate these to the client along with any recommendations I have for them.

Then we say goodbye and disconnect. This is how I conduct sessions for all my clients. Immediate benefits of a single session can include feeling more relaxed, peaceful, clear, connected, joyful, and positive. Clients often say that they have a clear and empty mind. They feel more present in the moment.

What is included in the package of 5 sessions, and how does it differ in terms of healing compared to just one session?

In a package of 5 sessions, I also give my clients access to the Healing Library which is a collection of tools, worksheets, and meditations to help them clear and uplevel their energy, thoughts, and emotions in between sessions.

The more sessions someone receives, the more layers of negative energy, repressed emotions, and negative thought patterns are released. With each session, we can go even deeper.

One session is great for someone who wants to try Pranic Healing or is seeking relief from something more acute like recent job stress. It can give them immediate positive results but doesn’t necessarily address the root issue.

Healing is like an onion. Each layer is a layer of repressed emotions, negative thought patterns, and incorrect beliefs that prevent us from living in alignment with our hearts and soul.

With each Pranic Healing session, a layer is removed. Oftentimes there is a spiritual lesson or karmic lesson associated with the layers. So as each layer is removed, the client will also integrate new wisdom and new perspectives during the healing process that changes how they decide to live day-to-day. It’s super cool!

I recommend 5 sessions for people who have mild to medium-intensity mental and emotional issues or challenges. As an analogy, we are able to clear 5 layers of the “healing onion,” so to speak.  In 5 sessions they are able to greatly reduce whatever negative symptom they were experiencing and they are able to positively shift their general mood, perspective, thoughts and emotions in that period of time. For someone who is feeling challenged by more severe-intensity issues, I recommend more than 5 sessions to experience the relief and freedom they are seeking.

For those seeking deep inner transformation, what does the 10-session package offer, and how does it aim to facilitate significant life changes?

A package of 10 sessions is for people who have a combination of mental and emotional struggles or for people who have more deeply-rooted and deeply-seated challenges. Not only do they receive 10 remote Pranic Healing sessions, but they also get access to the Healing Library.

With each session, a layer of negative thoughts, emotions, energy, and belief systems are removed with Pranic Healing. So ten consecutive sessions will remove ten layers of the “healing onion.” The results are more profound. As the person releases layers of emotional baggage and negative thinking, their frequency rises and they see the world through a more positive, bright, and hopeful perspective. They have access to new ideas that they couldn’t receive before. They see new opportunities to change their lives that they couldn’t access before they were in their previous negative state. They feel called to take action that they didn’t resonate with before.

Everything starts with the state of your energy field. If you embody a state of joy, love, peace, and positivity, you will attract ideas and thoughts to take action that resonate with that frequency via the Law of Attraction. Once you start taking action on these new hopeful ideas, your life takes a new trajectory. Suddenly the dream career, relationship, and lifestyle that you thought wasn’t possible before becomes possible in your eyes. New doors and opportunities open that you couldn’t see before. You can move forward faster towards the life you really want for yourself.

The more Pranic Healing helps them shift their energy, emotions, and thoughts, the more they encounter a similar shift in their reality. Therefore, a package of 10 sessions will have a more dramatic effect on someone’s life than a package of 5 sessions or a single session. It’s really for those people who are ready to invest in themselves to experience big changes in their energy and also their lives, careers, or relationships depending on what they want.

How does the Healing Library Access complement the Pranic Healing sessions?

I’m not healing my client, I just channel the energy that the client wants to receive to heal themselves and their own lives. I’m just a conduit for the energy that their soul wants so it can accelerate its own process of healing, growth, and evolution.

To get the best and most sustainable results, I aim to empower my clients to take their healing into their own hands. That’s why I provide access to the Healing Library with a package of 5 and 10 sessions.

It’s a collection of tools, worksheets, and meditations to help them clear and uplevel their energy, thoughts, and emotions. There are different resources to also help them transform their lives using energy, spiritual practices, and strategic action in between sessions

There are resources to help my clients keep their energy field clean, clear, uplifted and strong such as the Meditation on Twin Hearts. There are also resources to help them shift negative thought patterns and build more positive ones.

It also includes tools to help them create and manifest a more fulfilling, authentic life. There’s a worksheet to help them get clear on their dream vision, a visualization meditation, and instructions for using affirmation to transform themselves. Other tools included focus on forgiveness, self-love, space cleansing, breathing exercises, and creating a strategic plan to take consistent action on.

Can you describe the process of scheduling a free Discovery Call to determine if Pranic Healing aligns with someone’s heart-centered goals?

It’s pretty easy! Anyone can go to my website, fill out a brief form, and schedule a free Discovery Call over Zoom. It’s for us to get to know each other, for me to help understand their challenges and goals, to answer questions about Pranic Healing, and to see if Pranic Healing will realistically get them the results they want.

If we seem like a great fit, I end the call with a recommendation for how many sessions they should invest in and the next steps.

Find out more at: www.rainbowspirithealing.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Luka is passionate about the environment and wildlife, captivated by the intriguing domains of energy restoration and hypnotic therapy.