We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.

The Meaning of Venus In Retrograde — Advice to Navigate It

The Meaning of Venus In Retrograde — Advice to Navigate It

All the buzz about Venus retrograde may have you scratching your head if you don’t know what it means. Also, potentially missing out on crucial information about how Venus retrograde could affect your life may leave you worried. After all, you don’t want confusion and anxiety to put a damper on your curiosity.

For your peace of mind, I’ll outline this celestial event’s basics so you can confidently navigate it. While Venus retrograde affects everyone collectively, its influence can vary on a micro level. So, connecting with a credible psychic on California Psychics can be beneficial. They’ll help you cope with unexpected turns and ease stress.

What is the Meaning of Venus Retrograde?

Venus retrograde is how the backward motion of Venus energetically affects the Earth and humanity. During Venus retrograde, you may feel called to slow down, reevaluate, and visit the past. But, for a greater understanding of which areas you’ll be reviewing, it’s essential to understand the meaning of Venus in Astrology.

Venus rules relationships, partnerships, aesthetics, beauty, pleasure, harmony, valuables, and self-esteem. In a natal chart, Venus governs how you approach relationships, what you value internally and externally, and just overall preferences. Generally, Venus guides our choices regarding what brings us happiness and fulfillment.

Astronomically speaking, Venus retrograde refers to the apparent backward motion of Venus as observed from Earth. It occurs when Earth, Venus, and the Sun are aligned, creating the illusion that Venus is moving backward. Venus goes retrograde approximately every 18 to 20 months, on average, every year and a half.

Venus stations retrograde Venus stations direct
July 23rd, 2023 in Leo September 4th, 2023 in Leo
March 2nd, 2025 in Aries April 13th, 2025 in Pisces
October 3rd, 2026 in Scorpio November 14th, 2026 in Libra
December 16th, 2029 in Gemini January 23rd, 2030 in Gemini

5 Effects of Venus Retrograde

Venus retrograde will uniquely impact your life depending on which house in your Astrology chart is activated throughout it. However, these are some of the manifestations that are most commonly seen when Venus goes retrograde.

1. Standstills and Challenges in Love

It’s common for Venus retrograde to prompt a review of your relationships. So, unresolved issues, unmet needs, or underlying tensions can surface during this period. You’ll feel this influence the strongest if you have Venus stationing retrograde in your 5th house of romance or in your 7th house of long-term partnerships.

Expect this introspective energy to give way to a standstill and temporary conflicts as you reassess the authenticity and harmony within your relationships. Retrogrades are generally known to create communication challenges, resulting in a need for transparency.

Remember that Venus retrograde can also intensify emotions, making you feel more sensitive and reactionary. This can happen since the retrograde can trigger memories and bring unhealed wounds to the forefront. Confronting these patterns may cause some discomfort, but ultimately helps you to address your wounds.

2. Wanting to Change Your Appearance

Venus retrograde could encourage you to reflect on your concept of beauty and question societal standards. This period is about reevaluating your perceptions of your beauty, which could lead you to embrace a more authentic version of yourself. This is more likely if Venus stations in your 1st (appearance/self), 9th (ideals/beliefs), or 11th house (society).

It may spark a desire for reinvention to align your external appearance with your evolving sense of self. But, it’s advised to experiment with your appearance in impermanent ways, like with wigs, filters, and vision boards. Since it’s more of a time to reflect, making any permanent physical changes is not advised until Venus stations direct.

During this time, you may have a heightened awareness of your self-worth and feel called to enhance your confidence. Getting creative and inspired about how you’d like to modify your appearance can be a great way to achieve this goal. However, it can also be an incredible time to heal and transform your perception of yourself.

3. The Return of an Ex

When a planet moves retrograde, it can often bring up past situations, but how they present themselves can vary. That said, a common occurrence during Venus retrograde is the return of ex-partners. This is especially true if it falls in your 5th (romance), 7th (partnerships), 8th (death/transformation), or 12th house (loss/dissolution).

Such phenomena happens during Venus retrograde because it can evoke a sense of nostalgia and sentimental energy. During this period, unresolved feelings or unfinished business with an ex may resurface and invite you to revisit and process where you stand. Overall, it offers an opportunity for closure, healing, and growth.

With this in mind, try to approach the resurgence of an ex with careful consideration and self-awareness. While it can be an opportunity for growth or closure, assessing the reasons behind the desire to reconnect is essential. To determine if it’s worthy of another chance, getting a second opinion from a credible psychic can be worthwhile.

4. Reevaluating Your Finances and Values

Since Venus rules over Taurus and Libra, it only makes sense that Venus retrograde can trigger some reassessment of your financial priorities and personal values. Check to see if it’ll be activating your 2nd (money/worth), 4th (foundations), 8th (joint finances), or 10th house (career), as the themes of money and values are likely to be most prominent.

You may question how you allocate your resources and whether your spending aligns with your true desires and long-term goals. You could even desire greater financial stability and security, leading you to evaluate your income sources, savings, and investments. Seeing a financial advisor could also help you during this time.

Regardless, use this time to reflect on your attitudes, beliefs, and emotional patterns surrounding wealth. There may be past financial experiences or emotional patterns that require attention and healing. It could be time to evaluate how much you prioritize possessions and success and whether this brings fulfillment.

5. Reflecting on Your Desires

The influence of Venus in Astrology can deal with your desires and sense of harmony in life. When the planet goes retrograde, you’ll begin to reflect on what brings you satisfaction in your personal pursuits. At this time, you should evaluate how external influences may affect your desires for better or worse.

Take this opportunity to step away from societal expectations, cultural norms, or conditioned beliefs about what you should desire in life. Ultimately, this energy will be triggered regardless of which house it activates in your natal chart, although some themes will be more relevant than others. Overall, explore your genuine passions and aspirations during this transit.

For example, you may have a breakthrough about unfulfilled desires, disappointments, or recurring patterns in your career. As a result, you could receive clarity about how a particular job or work pattern hinders your dream career. Expect to find the strength to release attachments and old desires that no longer serve to make space for the new.

Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023

Aries, Taurus, Gemini

Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Aries risings, Venus will go retrograde in the 5th house of romance, children, and creativity. Expect old lovers or feelings to resurface, or you might be reflecting on the romantic choices you’ve made.
  • You could revisit old creative projects or find a renewed passion for an artistic endeavor you left behind. It’s a time to rethink what truly brings you joy and satisfaction.
  • Issues or dynamics related to children can come up, which involve reevaluating your role as a parent or dealing with past unresolved matters.
Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Taurus rising, Venus will station retrograde in the 4th house of home, family, and emotional foundation. This could be a time where redecorating, renovating, or even relocating is considered.
  • Relationships with close family members, especially female relatives can come into focus. You’ll also feel drawn to connect with your cultural roots.
  • Emotional patterns that have their roots in childhood or past experiences become important. It’s a good time to do emotional healing work, perhaps even through therapy.
Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Gemini rising, the 3rd house of communication, siblings, and short trips becomes highlighted during Venus retrograde. Expect relationships with siblings or neighbors to come into focus.
  • This might be a period of reflection on how you communicate love and appreciation to others. There’s a chance for communication breakdowns, especially in romantic or aesthetic contexts.
  • Travel plans, especially short trips, might be subject to change, delays, or revisions. However, these trips might also reconnect you with past places of significance.

Cancer, Leo, Virgo

Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Cancer risings, Venus retrograde will activate the 2nd house of assets, finances, and self-worth. It’s likely you’ll review your financial situation and come up with a new budget. 
  • But, the 2nd house is not just about physical possessions. During Venus retrograde, you’ll reconsider what you truly value in life and how you could love yourself better.
  • You could begin to think twice about the purchases you’ve made, especially luxury ones. It could be a time where you consider selling a car, a home, or an expensive handbag.
Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Leo risings, this Venus retrograde will impact your 1st house of self-identity, appearance, and endeavors. This can lead to changes in personal style, from clothing to hairstyles.
  • As the 1st house is associated with the physical body, there may be a renewed interest in beauty or health regimens, or how you take care of your physical appearance.
  • There could be a revisiting of personal goals and aspirations. This could come as a result of heightened self-awareness, acceptance, and understanding of yourself. 
Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Virgo risings, Venus retrograde will bring a focus to the 12th house of solitude, hidden things, and the unconscious. Expect hidden feelings or desires that have been suppressed or unclear to surface.
  • It’s a great opportunity to do spiritual work and explore the spiritual dimensions of love and relationships. Perhaps even spiritual revelations around money and beauty.
  • Since the 12th house is the realm of dreams, Venus here could inspire you to create art or music that comes from a dream or spiritual download.

Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Libra risings, this Venus retrograde will activate the 9th house of long-distance travel, higher education, and beliefs. Expect to question your core beliefs on matters of love, beauty, and money.
  • You may think about returning to school, re-evaluate academic choices, or even look into taking a course. Old schoolmates, mentors, teachers, or foreigners could become relevant. 
  • Any plans related to long-distance travel could face delays, change, or revision. It’s a great time to research destinations that hold some type of spiritual, religious, or philosophical meaning. 
Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Scorpio risings, Venus retrograde will affect the energies of the 10th house regarding career, reputation, and public image. This period may prompt a rethinking of the direction your career is taking. 
  • You could find yourself reconsidering relationships with colleagues, bosses, or clients. Perhaps you’re evaluating if you’re truly aligned with the people you work with.
  • This is a time when past actions related to your public image or reputation come back for reconsideration. You may address past mistakes or refine how you wish to be perceived by the world.
Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Sagittarius risings, the 11th house of hopes, dreams, groups, friendships, and broader social networks will come to the forefront. It’s likely you’ll reconsider your friendships but there could also be reunions with old friends. 
  • It’s also probable that you’ll reflect on your associations with various groups or clubs and think about whether they’re still aligned with you.
  • You’ll experience deeper introspection about your personal aspirations and how the financial or romantic decisions you’ve made have contributed to you achieving your dreams. 

Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Capricorn risings, the 8th house of shared resources, other people’s money, debts, and inheritances. Venus here could trigger the renegotiation of a loan or considering the dynamics of financial dependence.
  • You could even reconsider your boundaries in close relationships or reflect on past relationships where intimacy and trust were significant themes.
  • The 8th house also touches upon themes of birth, death, and rebirth. You may visit your philosophies on mortality, inheritance matters, or even discussions about your legacy.
Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Aquarius risings, Venus will station retrograde in the 7th house of long-term relationships, contracts, and partnerships. There might be a need to reflect on your personal relationships, especially romantic ones.
  • It’s a period to consider what you truly value in relationships. You may start to get clarity on what makes you happy and begin to set new boundaries.
  • Since Venus also rules money and values, this could be a time when you need to revisit the terms of a financial agreement or strategy.
Venus Retrograde & Its Effect On Your Astrology Sign In 2023
  • For Pisces risings, Venus will station retrograde in the 6th house of daily work, routines, and health. Venus retrograde in this house could bring past workplace issues to the surface.
  • Past coworkers or job opportunities could return. You could begin to reconsider how you value your work, job environment, and your work/life balance.
  • It’s a good time to evaluate whether your current health practices and if there’s a need for change. You could start planning for a new fitness routine, diet, or general lifestyle. 

The Best Sites for Venus Retrograde Guidance

When in doubt, you can connect with a credible psychic to receive insights on the meaning of Venus retrograde. You can expect to gain confidence and set aside any fear of what may happen during this time. A psychic can also offer invaluable advice about navigating such situations or challenges when they manifest in your life.

1. California Psychics – Best Overall for Venus Retrograde Guidance

Editor's Choice
Career Reading
Career Reading
Life Questions
Life Questions
Love Reading
Love Reading
  • Exceptional vetting practices
  • Satisfaction guarantee
  • 350+ psychics to select
  • Program with free Astrology report
  • $1, $2, or $4 per minute

Checking out California Psychics’ services is worthwhile because of its Karma Rewards Program. You can join its rewards program for free and get a free Astrology report to discover more about your natal chart. This will be useful for the next Venus retrograde since you’ll know where its energy will exert the most influence based on your natal chart.

I feel secure using California Psychics for Venus retrograde insights because of the strict vetting process for its psychics. The platform only accepts 2% of all applicants and even monitors the quality of their services for up to 90 days. So if you’ve been worried about getting bad advice, you can rest assured that its psychics are thoroughly screened.

And while the regular rates on California Psychics can be costly, you’ll have the benefit of greatly reduced rates. As a newbie, you can select from its packages of $1, $2, or $4 per minute and stick within your budget.

2. Purple Garden – Enjoy Retrograde Advice Via Chat, Call, or Video

Career Reading
Career Reading
Life Questions
Life Questions
Love Reading
Love Reading
Past Life
Past Life
  • Introduction videos on profiles
  • Transparent review sections
  • Chat, call, and video sessions
  • $10 towards your first reading
  • Journey’s community feature

Getting Venus retrograde advice on Purple Garden is convenient because of the various contact methods available. Since Purple Garden offers live chat, call, and video readings, you can pick what suits you best. If you enjoy the depth of connection you get from a video reading, you can have that option without settling for anything less.

I like that how you can save time on Purple Garden by watching the introduction videos on the profiles of its psychics. Sometimes reading through psychic bios can get very time-consuming, which is where the videos come in handy. Best of all, you won’t miss any important information as they cover everything you need to know.

Although Purple Garden’s screening process is a little vague, you can get first-hand recommendations from other users through its Journeys feature. It lets you ask for the best psychic that would be suited to help you navigate something like Venus retrograde.

3. Keen – Connect with Highly-Rated Advisors for Peace of Mind

Aura Reading
Aura Reading
Chakra Balancing
Chakra Balancing
Crystal Ball
Crystal Ball
Love Reading
Love Reading
  • Convenient mobile app
  • Psychics with 4.5+ stars
  • Free horoscopes feature
  • 5 minutes for $1
  • Thorough FAQ page

Keen is a solid choice for navigating Venus retrograde because of its experienced psychics. When you scroll through your options, you’ll notice that most advisors have 4.5 stars and above. Finding high-quality options can be challenging, so seeing such high ratings should bring peace of mind.

I find that Keen’s app is convenient for last-minute support, especially when dealing with the unpredictable nature of Venus retrograde. Since the energy of this transit can heighten emotions, it’s valuable to have an app that can instantly connect you with a psychic. This helps you prepare for the unexpected.

You could find it inconvenient that Keen only offers customer support via email but from my experience, its agents are quick to respond to inquiries. Even if it’s time sensitive, the site has a thorough FAQ page that is helpful for urgent matters.

FAQs on Venus Retrograde

What does it mean to have Venus Retrograde in a natal chart?

Individuals with Venus retrograde in their natal chart tend to be introspective with matters of love, finances, and personal values. That said, they may find themselves repeatedly attracted to unconventional or challenging relationships that offer growth opportunities. These people are on a self-love journey that can feel isolating at times.

If you have Venus retrograde in your chart, you may continuously deal with the energies that are present during a Venus retrograde transit. Because of this, you may feel like the areas of life Venus rules over are stagnant or challenging. You’ll likely be a late bloomer with love, finances, and confidence or have challenges to overcome in these areas.

But don’t let these challenges discourage you because once you overcome them, you’ll have a greater sense of self-love and self-acceptance. As you learn to navigate your desires and better identify with your values, these seemingly stagnant areas can change for the better. Learn to embrace your unique qualities to develop your self-worth in life.

Who’s affected by Venus Retrograde?

Venus retrograde transits can potentially influence individuals of all zodiac signs and birth charts. Always check to see the modality, sign, and element that Venus will be in at the time of its retrograde. For example, if Venus is in the sign of Leo during its retrograde, it will form a Square (harsh aspect) to other fixed signs such as Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius.

But, the intensity and specific area of influence can vary depending on the individual’s birth chart and the aspects formed between Venus and other planets at the retrograde time. Those with significant placements or sensitive points (such as Venus on the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven) or in close aspect to Venus will feel it strongly.

Should I make major decisions during Venus Retrograde?

It’s generally advisable to exercise caution and careful consideration when making major decisions around love or finances during Venus retrograde. The retrograde period can bring uncertainty, introspection, and potential challenges in these areas, so it’s best to make significant decisions once Venus stations direct again.

If you feel strongly called to make a certain decision, you may want to consult with an expert beforehand. Doing so will grant you an objective opinion to avoid making impulsive or hasty decisions during the retrograde. That said, always follow your intuition, but ensure you feel grounded in your perspective before acting.

Bottom Line

Don’t let the uncertainty of Venus retrograde bring anxiety, as Astrology is meant to empower you along your path. Being equipped with the right information on Venus retrograde can be a life-saver since you’ll know how to work with the energy. This allows you to go with the flow and help you achieve powerful breakthroughs.

But don’t get discouraged if you feel overwhelmed by the energy and need a guiding light. In these instances, I recommend chatting with an expert psychic who can guide you in the right direction. You may find that the best remedy to a chaotic Venus retrograde is the unconditional support of a trusted psychic.

To summarize, the best sites for Venus Retrograde guidance are…

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We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Lillian Maclean
Senior Writer
Senior Writer
Lillian Fitzmaurice MacLean is one of Mystic Mag’s writers. She’s a professional Astrologer and practicing Psychic that dedicates her time to guiding her clients and writing helpful spiritual content. She’s specifically interested in understanding the human experience from the lens of karma, past lives, and life after death. Over the course of several years, Lillian has gathered a lot of knowledge on herbs, crystals, meditation, and spirit communication. She is passionate about sharing what she’s learned and experienced in hopes of making a positive impact on others’ lives. When she’s not writing or reading for clients, Lillian dedicates her free time to learning, helping animals in need, and meditating. She hopes to open an animal sanctuary one day and has aspirations of publishing self-help and spiritual books.